Life Style

These are the Advantages of Drinking Coffee in the Morning

Sunday, 03 January 2021 - 05:34
These are the Advantages of Drinking Coffee in the Morning Illustration – having a cup of coffee in the morning. (Photo: Freepik/lookstudio)

TIMES AUSTRALIA, CIREBON – To some people, having a cup of coffee in the morning before they go to work or starting their activities has become a daily routine. A good coffee believed to be able to determine the rest of your day.  

Little did you know, there are hidden advantages of drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. What are they? Let’s find out.

1. Help you lose your weight

A cup of black coffee will help you through your diet. It will help you lose your weight in no time. However, to get this advantage, you need to maintain your diet and keep doing your exercise.

2. Help you release your stress

Having a cup of coffee in the morning as your daily routines will help you get away from depression. The antidepressant in it will make you more focus in doing your daily activities and maintain your mood swing.

3. Lower the risk of diabetes type 2

The caffeine and chlorogenic acid in coffee could increase the body sensitivity to prevent the body from getting severe disease such as diabetes type 2. It laso reduce your risk of getting heart attack.  

4. Reduce our risk of getting Alzheimer

Alzheimer is one of neurodegenerative disease which some kind act as an evil for every people in the world. Commonly, this disease attacks the older but in some cases in also occurred in younger people.

A study says that drinking a cup of black coffee in the morning will lower your risk to 65% to get Alzheimer. So have you had a cup of coffee this morning?

Writer :
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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